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Pembahasan Congratulation Hope and Wish Lengkap Dialog dan Artinya.

Congratulation Hope and  Wish  Lengkap Dialog dan Artinya adalah materi pokok teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan harapan, doa, dan ucapan selamat atas suatu kebahagiaan dan prestasi seseorang dan tak lupa cara menanggapinya. Materi percakapan ini adalah materi transactional interpersonal speaking kelas 9.


1. Expressing Congratulations

Uxapan selamat kepada orang yang telah meorehkan prestasi atau pencapaian keaadaan yang diangap berbeda dari hari hari biasanya

  • May I congratulate you on the competition
  • I must congratulate you on the contest
  • Please accept my sincerest congratulations
  • Congratulations on winning the English speech contest!
  • Congratulation Adi on being the champion!
  • I’m happy for you.Congratulations!
  • Congratulations Shidi, you become the winner!
  • Congratulations you passed the exams!
  • Congratulations for your graduation!
  • That’s a very beautiful handycraft!
  • Zeti,That’s a beautiful picture!
  • Wow, your menu is delicious!
  • Good on you Fay!
  • You sing like a real singer.
  • I knew you can do it.
  • I’m so happy for you.

Responding Congratulations

  • It’s very good of you to say so
  • How nice of you to say so
  • Thank you very much for saying so
  • I’m glad you think so
  • Oh, it’s nothing special actually
  • Oh, I have a lot to learn yet
  • Oh, not really
  • Oh, nothing to it, actually
  • Oh, thanks

2. Expressing Hope or wish
Adalah ungkapan atau ucapan seseorang yang menunjukkan doa, harapan dan keinginan terhadap orang lain supaya lebih baik, dan terkabul cita-cita atau yang menjadi harapannya.

Contoh Ungkapan Hope
Rumus Kalimat Hope: S + hope + present simple/present future
  • I hope so
  • I hope Indonesia wins the World Cup someday.
  • We hope he will come back safely.
Contoh Ungkapan Wish
Rumus Kalimat Wish: S + wish + someone + interjection
  • I wish you luck
  • I wish you a happy new year.
  • He wishes her good luck.
  • Good luck!
  • Happy birthday!
  • Godspeed!
Demikian Pembahasan Congratulation Hope and  Wish  Lengkap Dialog dan Artinya. Semoga bermanfaat.

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